Self service contracts

Contract Eagle’s self-service feature simplifies contract creation with user-friendly online forms, allowing any department to generate key contracts like NDAs and service agreements. This automates routine contract generation, freeing legal teams for more complex tasks, and maintains up-to-date compliance with legal standards and company policies.

Self service contracts

Contract initiation

Automated notifications

AI assisted contract review

Onboarded by experts

Self service contracts

Contract initiation

Automated notifications

AI assisted contract review

Onboarded by experts

Self service contracts

Contract initiation

Automated notifications

AI assisted contract review

Onboarded by experts

Self service contracts

Contract initiation

Automated notifications

AI assisted contract review

Onboarded by experts

Self-Service Contract Creation

Empower Your Team with Simple Online Forms

Contract Eagle’s self-service feature transforms contract creation into a simple, user-friendly process. With our intuitive online forms, team members from any department can generate key contracts like non-disclosure agreements, service agreements, and standard sales contracts.

Automated Routine Agreements

Save Time for Your Legal Eagles

Free your legal team from the routine task of drafting standard contracts. Contract Eagle's self-service option automates the generation of routine agreements, allowing your legal experts to devote their time and skills to more critical, complex legal matters

Up-to-Date Templates

Consistency Is Key to Compliance

Contract Eagle ensures that every self-service contract adheres to the latest legal standards and company policies. Our system automatically updates templates to reflect changes in regulations and internal guidelines.

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"Contract Eagle is a fantastic contract solution that can easily handle complex contracts."

Robyn, Business Support Manager